Stories are rife about incompetent leaders, whether in business, politics, sport or otherwise. There are many kinds of them. Psychologists and talent management experts have long known the three broad types of incompetent leaders. The first have the “moving away behaviours”, which is about a distance beg forged between the leaders and their supposed followers, through a lack of emotional connect. The next are the “moving against behaviours”, where the leaders end up dominating over their team members. A third is the “moving towards behaviours”, which is all about being excessively conformist, and not wanting to take a stance. But an even worse form of incompetency is absentee leadership. Here, the leader plays a laissez- faire role, but is a leader in name only. He/ she does not provide any authentic feedback, as a result the subordinate does not get to improve upon any of the areas. This is similar to the economics concept of rent- seeking.


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