Lockdowns, arson and mutiny are some rare extreme problems that businesses periodically need to deal with. Fortunately, they are rare. But, other issues such as a toxic work culture are much more pervasive, so need to be proactively handled. Traeger was one such company whose CEO had to battle several of these regular issues, but also the extreme ones. A career as an entrepreneur is full of a sense of accomplishment, but the path towards that may be treacherous, as the Traeger CEO found out. One way to identify this entire process is to study brands that may be potential partners in the process. While at Traeger, he focused on working on the company culture, so he revamped the talent management systems. The physical space is also important here, as it must reflect the brand name of the company. Some cultural leaders were also tapped in this to


Uploaded Date:18 October 2019


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