Venue: Ashoka Hotel

Attendee: Mr. Aritro Dasgupta

This event was a gathering of people from across the Pacific Area to discuss standards for various services. The core idea is that while manufacturing products do have certain standards and guidelines laid down, for services not much formalization exists.

Inaugural Session

This session consisted of 5 panel members. The panel members were as follows:

S. No. Name Designation Organization Session Role
1 Mr. M J Joseph Director General BIS Welcome Address
2 Mr. Adrian O’Connell EC Chair PASC Programme Objective
3 Mr. Rajeev Kher Secretary (Commerce) Government of India Keynote Address
4 Mr. Keshav Desiraju Secretary (Consumer Affairs) Government of India Inaugural Address
5 Mr. D K Nayyar Director General BIS Vote of Thanks


Major points discussed at this session were:

  • One of the speakers spoke about typical conditions when someone visits a hair cutting salon. As per the speaker, until the haircut is actually done, the visitor has no idea how it is going to be. Unlike for a manufactured product, where there are certain regulations with regards to shape, size, dimensions, colour etc. no such norms extend to services. Thus there is an urgent need to implement them.
  • Due to the number of Japanese delegates present at the event, a special welcome was extended to them and their country. The belief is that business ties with Japan are on the upswing.

This session was followed by a round of Networking Tea.

Technical Session 1: Global Trends in Services Sector

Major points discussed at this session were:

  • By traditional methods of computation, only 20% of global trade can be categorized under services. However, modern methods of computation pins the figure at 42%. This because traditionally only the BoP (Balance of Payments) model was used but now we are also accounting for services rendered by international firm offshoring in another country
  • General consensus reached on the fact that standards were extremely crucial to be implemented. There had to be a common platform across the Pacific region and perhaps beyond to ensure standardization.

This session was followed by the Networking Lunch.

Technical Session 2: Services Standardization in the PASC Region (Education & Tourism)

This session consisted of 4 panel members. The panel members were as follows:

S. No. Name Organization Session Role
1 Ms. Rama Vedashree BIS Moderator
2 Dr. Bronwyn Evans Standards Australia Technical Address
3 Ms. Hyejeong Kim KATS (Korea) Technical Address
4 Ms. Teresa Cendrowska ANSI (USA) Technical Address


Major points discussed at this session were:

  • Education & tourism being both largely service driven industries, the case of standardization felt all the stronger with the speakers.
  • A lot of misleading is done by touts in these sectors.
  • A ratings system was suggested by the panelists for educational institutions and hotel chains; in the case of the latter an unofficial system exists, but in the former, we are still in the dark.

This session was followed by another round of Networking Tea.

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