The use of data science is proliferating in the present situation across the board. But still, most companies continue to let only data scientists use data. Instead the knowledge of the same, needs to be more democratically divided, as is the requirement of the digital age. Democratization of data science knowledge will help the entire organization stay tuned to the norms of the present requirements. There are three ways in which sharing of knowledge has to take place. They are- sharing of data tools, spreading data responsibility and spreading data skills. Data tools need to be shared so that all employees can contribute to the data warehousing, as is done successfully at Airbnb where anyone can contribute to its Knowledge Repository. Sharing tools will help the interaction among the employees. It will also lead to the use of data more readily during decision-making as all understand at least the fundamentals of the same. Sharing of responsibility helps in quicker execution of projects. In this manner, departmental problems can be solved quicker instead of relying on a central repository.


Uploaded Date:10 November 2018

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