The European tourism sector uniquely for seven years consecutive has outgrown the overall global growth in GDP terms. This is set to continue with the growth forecast looking good at just short of four percent for the next decade. Challenges remain such as terror threats, weather disasters, currency fluctuations and an uncertain political environment. Classic travel destinations such as London, Berlin, Paris and Amsterdam are doing solid business. Business intelligence received puts the growth in inbound travel to the UK at eight percent. The growth has partly been simulated due to the Brexit decision which lead to the fall of the Pound. Another growth engine has been the autonomous region of Portugal known as the Azores Islands. This has been possible due to direct flight connections with USA, UK, Spain, Germany and of course Portugal. According to an online travel company e-Dreams, some new destinations have sprung up as places of choice for Europeans to visit. This includes countries such as Cuba, India, Singapore, South Africa, Australia, Colombia and the Dominican Republic.


Uploaded Date:16 March 2018

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