The old adage “the trend is your friend” holds true today, more than ever before. This is due to shifting growth, rise in social tensions and accelerated disruption. Companies that are leveraging these tailwinds of change, are the ones most likely to progress at far faster rates than those on the more normal of curves. More people are physically healthy, literate and entering the middle class, but the post-Cold War global order has been disturbed. There now exist some major global forces and their subsequent interactions. Spaces where concentrated forces run through may be termed as the crucibles. One is the shift in global growth to markets such as the BRIC countries- Brazil, Russia, India and China- or those of Southeast Asia and Africa. Accelerating industry disruption has led to Alibaba founder Jack Ma renaming the B2C segment as C2B. This implies that businesses these days take decisions based on customer insights gleaned from the huge deposits of data warehousing done by organizations. There is also a new societal deal where cybercrimes are increasing so collaborations between businesses and governments need to be smoother. Globalization seems to have taken a hit with the Brexit decision and the US exit from the TPP. Cross-border data flows though are on the rise. Economic power has further alleviated China’s political power with the establishment of the OBOR initiative. The advances in business analytics, Internet of Things and automation have halted the obsession with greater material cravings. Resource production and its utilization is now being diversified and driven by these new technologies.


Uploaded Date:01 March 2018

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