A lot of companies and leaders boast of having great cultures. Yet, this word is not well-defined. Some feel it is about the perks and entertainment options such as foosball tables or free meals. Others feel it ought to be about to be about health options such as yoga mats or cross-fit chairs. Another lot believes that it is about being part of a fast-growing learning organization. While this is closer to the truth, the reality requires a few overarching principles coming together. It includes three principles which are- behaviours, systems and practices. Companies need to walk the talk. One claiming to have great talent management practices but not allowing work-life balance to actually take place by asking people to frequently stay back late does not cut it. One claiming to be a learning organization but not equipping the employees with the right tools or setting aside time for development for them also does not make it. Within systems, there exist five sub-categories which are about – strategy and goal setting, talent recruitment, assessment, development and a rewarding system. Best practices are usually set by great employees who leave a lasting impact on the company culture and work patterns.


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