A great business idea is only worth how well it is executed. To cite an example, Steve Jobs was greeted with a lot of skepticism upon launching the first iPhone back in 2007. Many thought its excess features would distract customers away from its main purpose of making phone calls. The rest as they say is history. Where Xerox could not see the potential of Alto, Jobs identified it and went ahead and developed his Macintosh. Another example is that of Fabio Rosati, who quit Capgemini’s highly lucrative management consulting vertical in 2001, to venture to a startup named Elance. The company’s vendor management services were facing stiff competition from giants such as Oracle and SAP. SO, he shifted the focus to managing freelance contracts. The platform specialized as a talent recruitment hub for all kinds of freelancers and after its merger with arch-rival O Desk, it took on the name Upwork, which today is the market leader. Jim Allisson too persevered before finally receiving funding for his idea from Medarex to make it big. Ideas will only get validation once executed going forward.


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