A model known as Design-to-Value (DTV) is gaining in popularity now. Most organizations though are unable to leverage this model, due to existing hierarchies. The strategy business consulting dealingwing at PwC has looked into this to suggest ways to holistically implement this model. First of all, the targets need be broken down in terms of design, engineering and procurement channels depending on project or product. Technical solutions need to be revisited depending upon evolving customer requirements. Similarly, the technicalities need to be studied to check for product optimization possibilities. A cost to weight analysis must be done to gauge supplier quotations or solutions for design. Assembly parts must be assessed against whether to make or buy readymade. Finally, the Product Value Management (PVM) concept needs to be implemented across the organization. Classical product development is full of shortcomings. A governance structure helps so that true product value may be realized. A proper road map before pitching operations is a must.


Uploaded Date:27 February 2018

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