In the digital world of near-constant connectedness, there is little time to think and reflect over one’s work. This is proving to be a worrying trend of several businesses, as they try to devise ways to respond to business urgencies without losing the capability to think over. A recent study held by PwC highlights this problem as CEOs worldwide have addressed key challenges they face during talent recruitment as certain skills go missing. Not too surprisingly, problem solving, business innovation, adaptability and creativity have been cited as key skills missing. Leaders though must step in to help their existing team members in rectifying this gap. First of all, if one borrows from Hermann International’s Whole Brain model, leaders need to understand the sweet spot of team members where their thinking abilities are maximized. For example, if the employee is numbers driven, then he/she ought to be analytical. Similarly, an organized, task-driven personality can be expected to be practical, so to further improve the thinking ability, the leader may simply take a step back to allow the creative juices to do their work. The reasons for the thinking gaps ought then to get uncovered. The thinking too must evolve with the passage of time and changes in the business scenario. The greatest resistance to this change will be at times of productivity pressures. But well planned agility can ensure this transformation is smoothest.


Uploaded Date:27 February 2018

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