A latest book launched titled as – The Practice of Adaptive Leadership: Tools and Tactics from Changing your Organization and the World- talks about the virtues of honest and strong leadership. It also talks about corporates’ role in major societal transformations. Citing the example of Coca-Cola taken from another accompanying book, thisone talks about how the then president of the company, aligned the beverage giant to the cause of Martin Luther King Jnr’s civil rights movement. King had just won the Nobel Prize in Oslo, but on the way back had angered some local business communities, so his felicitation ceremony in Atlanta was set to be a no-go. Woodruff realized how embarrassing this would be for the city and his company, so he subtly communicated his support for the ceremony. This in turn led to a turnout well above that anticipated. Woodruff knew the people at the firm in and out, so he was able to excel at talent management. His initiative led to the assertion of moral superiority. Such strong but morally correct leadership is most desired at times of transformation such as the world is going through now in the digital age.


Uploaded Date:06 February 2018

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