What to do when Life hands you ‘Option B’
Sheryl Sandberg, the COO of Facebook lost her husband two years back and wrote a book with Wharton professor of psychology Adam Grant on recovering from the trauma. The duo came to the conclusion that building resilience was crucial in sustaining relationships throughout one’s life. A lot of resilience gets naturally built in during periods of such tragedy. Little gestures can help the aggrieved to return back to a somewhat normal life. At Facebook, due to excellent talent management practices, employees are afforded enough time to get back after suffering personal setbacks of such multitude. There exist three Ps that are responsible for holding back the healing process. The first such is Personalization, where the sufferer blames oneself for the tragedy. The next is Pervasiveness which assumes that post the tragedy, every facet of life will be touched by it, and normal relations or work cannot go on. The final one is Permanence which confines the initial grief forever. One needs to get past these 3 Ps as rapidly as possible.
Uploaded Date:13 December 2017