A lot of organizations struggle to align talent with value. This leads to poor succession plans, temporary solutions and gaps in the talent recruitment process. Team leaders must proactively seek to identify key roles across the group, irrespective of the hierarchy or level. Similarly, new roles also need to be sought out where gaps exist. Quantifiable measures may be used up to investigate areas where most critical roles exist or more people needed. Reallocating talent is as critical to such firms as reallocation of capital. The value agenda needs to be clarified from the outset. While deducing this, one needs to clarify the origin for the greatest bit of value within the group. Big disruptions are envisaged so that one may prepare for the new roles accordingly. The existing talent too must be realigned to the role requirements. The HR team for this needs to be equipped with the best business analytics support. With this they will be able to mine data, which will further help in retain the bets of talent.


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