One of the regions of the world, surprisingly keeping an eye out on the post- Brexit fallout in the UK, is Madeira in far- off Portugal. This is because, British travelers make up a substantial proportion of the inbound tourists here. The UK has already lost its top position to Germany, with a 1.2 percent drop in arrivals. The net spend may also come down thanks to the resultant devaluation of the Pound Sterling. The start to this financial year hasn’t been much better. As per business intelligence provided by the Madeira- based Regional Directorate of Statistics, there has been a further decline of 1.7 percent of tourists coming in from the UK. The Madeira Promotion Bureau clearly acknowledges the role that post- Brexit anxiety has caused to this drop- off. The bureau has thus focused its attention to Denmark, to somewhat make up for these lowered projections. Other countries such as Tunisia, Cuba and Turkey, as well as neighbouring Spain are leveraging this opportunity by attracting more number of UK- based tourists.


Uploaded Date:26 June 2019

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