A lot of management leaders are averse to signing up all-star teams due to their fear that too many top performers may lead to clash among big egos. Contrary to this belief, a study conducted by management consulting giant Bain has proven that getting top talents together actually improves the productivity. This happens due to several reasons, not least being the obvious that the best of talent is substantially more productive than the others. Having top talents together works as a force multiplier. Instead of arithmetical increase, productivity improves geometrically. A great pool of talent however requires an equally adept leader to further leverage their skills and forge an extraordinary team. In order to create such all-star teams, five sets of actions are needed. First of all, right from day one, star talent needs to be tracked based around performance and traits. These top performers need to be brought together and then set critical tasks. Any practices deemed unworthy for team development must be let go of. Top talent management efforts need to be put so that the egos of all team members are kept to a minimum.


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