Similar to the fallout in Europe, now a town on the other side of the Atlantic in Mexico has also revolted against the excesses of the tourist trade. Barcelona, Athens, Venice and Palma de Mallorca have all made efforts to save the local culture, heritage and environment from mass tourism’ debilitating effects. So now this Mexican town of Real de Catorce has taken similar steps as the local pollution levels have gone up tremendously. The city used to be at the heart of a silver mining industry, before most of the ore got depleted. Now tourism is the main industry, with hotel rooms spiralling up six times within just a few years. The total tourist intake stands at more than a million. The local authorities do not yet want to curb the industry, as tourism jobs make up a significant chunk of the economy. Instead they want a more balanced approach so that the rich cultural heritage of the town maybe preserved.


Uploaded Date:13 December 2017

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