Some CEOs tend to perform better than others and produce more desirable results. After an extensive study conducted by Chicago based business consulting firm GH Smart, four behaviours have been identified that the best of business leaders possess. They are extremely consistent. They are adept at taking quick decisions. They also excel at talent management and forging relationships within work. And they embrace changes by adapting to changing circumstances. While a good management degree or other education does provide a head-start, it is no guarantee of future success. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos recently in his shareholder letter addressed all these four issues. In fact he went the other way round about one of them stating that the quality of decision making is more important than the speed of it. Some of the most successful of CEOs are very careful at decision making doing only three to four major ones in a year. CEOs also feel that certain times are better than others for taking decisions as they provide more holistic benefits.


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