Towards the end of the last decade, Finnish telecom giant Nokia faced several upheavals. From being the leader in the feature phone segment, and an innovator of smart-phones, it got displaced by upstarts- Apple’s iPhone and Google’s Android software which powered other phones. Nokia persisted with its Symbian OS till 2011 when it shifted to Microsoft’s Windows. Neither Symbian, nor Windows phones worked, so Nokia was on the verge of being wiped out from the nascent smartphone industry. That is when the company’s top management decided to tweak its company policies to involve a greater range of emotions. As a first change, new conversational norms got defined in the organization to increase the trust factor. There was a move to reduce the emotional attachment towards the existing corporate strategy, with new options being generated. This attachment was seen as the reason for persisting with Symbian for so long in spite of its obvious deficiencies. The top management was pushed towards adopting a more data-backed approach rather than relying on their gut feelings. Business analytics was now given a primary role in organizational decision-making.


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