By now it is well-known across the business spectrum that sales performance can be improved drastically by making the right use of business analytics. It can be used in several ways such as to improve the pricing mechanism and subsequent discounting when needed. The forecasting accuracy improves thanks to the availability of top-notch data in large quantities to be processed using algorithms. Due to such data-enabled customer insights obtained, the customer churn is usually lesser as brands are able to act on what is needed by them. Selling has historically been considered as an art, but the science part of it is increasingly creeping in. For this science to succeed, one has to ensure that the data being used is clean, non-pilfered. The sellers must be empowered with the right solutions. They must know when to make use of which application suite. But to ensure that all these ends are met the right people are needed. So, the talent recruitment has to be geared towards finding inquisitive and tech-savvy personnel.


Uploaded Date:06 November 2018

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