For political reasons, managers all too often need to invite more number of people to meetings. This is so that a good number of them do not feel left out. However, this reduces the effectiveness of the meeting as there isn’t enough scope for all to participate fruitfully. Neither are tough topics put up, as most participants end up as defensive. Catch-ups and information sharing takes away a lot of time, preventing them team from addressing the real priority issues. A study was conducted by a professor from Stanford University, after which he concluded that the optimum number of people in a meeting must be eight. For sound talent management purposes, it is suggested that transparency be adopted while addressing the team about the changes in mind. One needs to clearly think out who all are to be included in the invitees’ list. In the official communication sent out, the criteria for the invite list may be spelled out. Factors such as subject knowledge, implementation, impact and scope of learning could be the deciding factors. There must be complete clarity to the team about the responsibilities of all- meeting participants as well as those not. It is important to measure the success of the meeting over the next few months by observing whether any of the plans got properly implemented.


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