Modern-day professionals tend to equate resilience with the amount of work done and some athletic brownie-points. They seek solace in the routine of military personnel or professional football players. However, in reality resilience is not about coping with extra-work, but indeed the recovery process. Being workaholic has become a serious ailment in several developed countries such as Norway and the US. People are now being attuned to a constant twenty-four into seven-pattern of work connected by technology especially phones and laptops. Business research suggests that this lack of recovery is leading to a loss in productivity by a whopping US$ sixty-two billion in a year. Arianna Huffington on her recent book The Sleep Revolution speaks about how on average up to eleven working days get lost each year due to lack of proper sleep. This has clear biological precedents, as a term exists homeostasis which describes the brains ability to continuously recharge, for which adequate rest is needed. Body wellbeing is directly related to the homeostatic value generated. As a solution, one would be advised to take short but frequent breaks from work. Technology needs to be reined in to ensure overworking does not take place. Tech free zones can be created using apps such as Unplugged or Off-time. One must even engage actively in relaxing hobbies such as swimming, watching movies, meditation, maintaining a journal or simply listening to podcasts.


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