Inbound tourism to Russia has benefitted massively on the back of the FIFA world cup. This is all part of the master plan to increase existing tourism revenues by three-fourths by the year 2024 to fifteen and a half billion dollars. A new project is being worked upon titled “International Cooperation and Export”. Moscow and St. Petersburg remain the most popular cities on the circuit while other well-traversed destinations include Baikal and Kamchatka. Murmansk has modeled itself very well seeing an explosion of interest in recent years, specially among Chinese travelers. Business intelligence provided by the World Tourism and Travel Council (WTTC) puts the contribution of tourism to overall services at 3.6% but affirms that it will rise to 4 by the end of the year. Inbound travel has increased from major markets such as China, South Korea, Thailand, Turkey, India and Brazil. From traditional popular markets like France and Poland though it fell. The FIFA World Cup alone is proving to be of massive boost. The satisfaction levels were also very high with a whopping 87% confirming that they would like to visit Russia again.


Uploaded Date:28 July 2018

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