In some professions such as journalism, litigation or the medical practice, the art of questioning is something actively honed. In business management, this is rarely done, thus representing a tremendous missed opportunity. Asking the right questions aids in the development of emotional intelligence. Through much study, researchers have found out the right type, framing, tone and sequencing of questions, that can reap maximum benefits for the entire organization. Unless one asks questions, one can never gauge the authentic business intelligence. Asking more number of questions is always the first step in becoming a good questioner. The ideal question-answer session must involve a combination of cooperation and competitiveness. Questions may broadly be divided into four categories. These are introductory, mirror, full-switch and follow-up. The first and fourth type are self-explanatory, but mirror refers to those where the questioner has already answered and is posing the same question to the other. Full-switch are used to change the topic. Sometimes questions need to be open-ended, such as when one wants to uncover the truth, but the one answering cannot respond with a yes or no. One must also gauge the group dynamics while posing questions. The sequencing also needs to be correct, so the first question must never be too sensitive, but not too vague either.


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