It is now well-known that most corporate transformation efforts do not succeed. While a little over a third fall well short, half of them simply settled for a diluted version of the transformation they initially set out to achieve. Business research was thus conducted by Bain and company to gauge the true reasons behind this process. One of the key reasons highlighted for this is that the front-line staff are rarely consulted while drafting such change strategies. To ensure that change efforts succeed, one must start by outlining why exactly these changes are required in the first place. After this, the most important outcomes expected need to be singled out. Then clear, measurable expectations need to be set out with proper metrics and scoreboards defined. Leaders must ensure that teams value the moments where the change is most needed. The main stakeholders at different levels of the organization must be onside with these change efforts. Finally, a proper learning loop needs to be created with scope for quick and actionable feedback.


Uploaded Date:09 August 2018

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