While on paper, China and the US are locking horns for global digital supremacy, on the field, the former at this point seems to be having an advantage. USA under the present administration’s “America First” policy seems to be turning inwards, while China’s global investment expansion in the digital scape keeps rising. A prominent example of this change is the South-East Asia (SEA) region. FDI originating from China increased by a staggering fifty-two percent in 2016 from the previous year while USA’s reduced by half. As per numbers provided by marketing research agency Forrester, mobile payments’ value in China is eleven times that of the USA, and mobile retail sales thrice that of the US and the EU giants combined. The market capitalization of Chinese tech giants Baidu, Tencent, Alibaba, Didi and JD is up there with their counterparts from across the Pacific. Not only are they taking advantage of the massive scale of their local markets, but also expanding elsewhere. Some of these names mentioned contributed US$ 6 billion in M&A activity alone. China has also investedaggressivelyin road infrastructure in Asia, with investments totaling a trillion dollars across sixty-odd countries.


Uploaded Date: 30 May 2018

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