Why we should be disagreeing more at Work
For most people, agreeing amicably comes easier than disagreeing at work. This is why a lot of problems between people remain unresolved. However, repeatedly it has been observed in business that instead of delaying an argument, it is better to tackle it head on to resolve the crisis. This does not imply disagreeing for the sake of it, but instead managing them well to lead to better work outcomes. A strong feedback loop usually leads to better opportunities to learn and grow. While there may be short-term conflicts, relations at work tend to improve in the longer run. A study has even found out that managed disagreements leads to improved job satisfaction levels. An interesting piece of talent management advice shared by contributors to a Rotman Management article states that homogenous groups tend to have fewer disagreements but diverse teams have greater conflicts of opinion. So, if resolved in the right manner, diversity at work can only improve leading to a greater pool of creative talent. Once a professional is past that stage of wanting to be liked by all, he/she can focus on the bigger picture of the corporate strategy. Finally, one ought to locate a role model and try to replicate. One must remember that disagreement does not imply meanness.
Uploaded Date:09 January 2018