There is a lot of debate at present about the future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how that will change work. Broadly, the views may be separated out into five schools of thought. The first are the Utopians who are very optimistic as they feel robots will take more work leading to high economic growth. The Dystopians feel the other way-round, as they feel that machines will win a Darwinian struggle till the end, displacing humans. Mass unemployment, and real wage decline will most heavily be felt in Europe and North America. The Technology Optimists on the other hand feel that business innovations will improve quality of life but only when companies fully leverage those. The Productivity Skeptics feel that while robots do have the potential to enhance productivity, due to several other societal challenges, the net effect will be negligible. The Optimistic Realists are those who feel that digitization and AI in particularly can lead to rapid advancement in several sectors where research will be turned on. In order to ensure a bright future in human-machine interaction, technology needs to be used so that operating models may be redesigned and human skills can get augmented by machine usage. A complete redesign of jobs needs to be done. Employees’ innate abilities need to be leveraged so that an intelligent enterprise may be forged.


Uploaded Date:06 February 2018

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