It is not an enviable position to be in when an employee gets stuck between one’s boss and further superior. Here, one needs to manage different people and their egos without angering any. There usually exist three such common scenarios. The first is when the boss’s boss asks the person to perform some task without taking due permission from his/her reporting officer. The next one is when one shares information with the subordinate without doing so with the direct report or peer. The worst is when the two of them are tugged in a stalemate, with no single view reaching consensus. Whatever the case, one needs to steer clear of taking sides. As a last resort, even if one needs to do so, it must be after clear, strategic thinking. Talent management is not something that only the top management needs to engage in, but at each level one requires this skill to navigate against superiors aswell. One needs to act within limits, as getting caught in office politics can divert one away from the real task at hand. Instead one must try to resolve a solution.


Uploaded Date: 30 May 2018

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