While creating videos for LinkedIn, a senior professional learnt several branding lessons, beginning with the advice to develop one aspect at a time. Another is that critics must not be shunned, but instead embraced. A community of followers needs to be curated so that one gains digital marketing traction. To hone such a community, relationships will also matter, so they need to be leveraged carefully. Whatever happens, one must always remain authentic and never pretend to be someone or something else. One must not be a stickler for perfection. Rather some form of imperfection is desirable as that will appear authentic. There must be no let go of consistency or discipline though. All the pursuits must be handled with a certain sense of passion. The entire marketing campaign needs to be geared up towards the right target demographic already identified. Its not always easy to work with brands. But whatever the efforts put in, finally it pays its worth. One need not always accept every business proposition. One has to learn how to say now, and often.


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