Twelve books have been identified which must be read in the year 2018, as they will create maximum impact on any professional. The first one such is Brave Leadership by Kimberley Davis as it talks about authentic leadership and how to achieve that. The next is The Choice which is not penned by any single author but indeed collectively by the Arbinger Institute. The CoachingHabit by Michael Bungay Stanier speaks about the power of executive coaching as a method of management training. The next few are The Expert Secrets, The Greatest Gift, The Performance Habits and The Happiness Equation writtenrespectively by Russel Branson, Victor Antonio, Brendon Burchard and Neil Pasricha. TheLost Art of Closing by Anthony Iannarino is one of the art of forging relationships and closing business deals.  An excellent book on those desirous of improving their talent management abilities is Jeff Haden’s The Motivation Myth. To close off this list are Kim Scott’s Radical Candor, Will Power Doesn’t Work by Benjamin Hardy and Triggers co-written by Marshall Goldsmith and Mark Reiter.


Uploaded Date:06 February 2018

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