As per a study conducted, four kinds of leaders have been identified who have an influence on how the business world will behaving in coming times. The first type is the Learning Zealot such as Garry Ridge who is the CEO of WD-40. He believes in an organization where all employees are constantly learning and improvising on their work. At such places, corporate training is an ongoing activity. The second type is the Personal Disruptor. He/she likes to challenge the accepted theories including one’s own so as not to remain blind about past successes. Rosanne Haggerty of the 10,000 Homes Campaign is one such example. Tough Minded Optimists such as Metro Bank’s Vernon Hill, combine rare qualities of intellect with emotion. A constant zest for living exudes from such personalities. And finally, we have the Eager Experimenter. A lot of products or services that have succeeded have been as a result of lucky breakthrough from failed projects. This is best exemplified by Amazon’s Jeff Bezos who has reinvented the world of business through his constant experimentation.


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