4 Strategies for Linking Talent to Value
Being good at talent recruitment is only half the task done. Matching the recruited personnel to their skills with the right position is the other half. Here, many companies come short. A lot of companies even make the mistake of bundling roles such as putting IT under finance, just because they did not have the right personnel for the former. Certain techniques have been identified which if done the right way, can help bridge this gap. First of all, the people responsible for the right fitment must understand how value gets created using these pieces in the puzzle. The thinking must look at both present performance as well as future growth. The most important roles need to be identified at first, so that others may smoothly follow on. The use of data may be made to analyze the right talent for their kind of suitable roles. Developing talent isn’t all about providing corporate training sessions. Instead, it is about managing the performance during their real-time work so that intervention is authentic.
Uploaded Date:16 March 2018