One of the greatest challenges for digital marketers is gauging which marketing campaigns on what platform were more successful. The metrics provided by Google Analytics or Facebook ads paint only half the story. Now with buyer journeys getting more complex, and with increasing investment in digital marketing, Facebook in particular has tried to bridge this gap through its attribution deep dive. Marketers have longed for attribution data from the beginning, since it is challenging to understand which part of the investment really paid off. It involves two components- the customer journey map and the applied model. Attribution is no longer linear but involves a complex interaction of touch points. Facebook now allows data warehousing from only a limited few platforms, as those allow for preconfigured connections. These are App Nexus, Bing Ads, Flash talking, Google Ads, Google Campaign Manager, Google Search Ads 360, Sizmek and Jampp. This new model will allow Facebook to capture a lot of the visits and subsequent conversions that Google sits on top of. The biggest challenge for Facebook though is that data sources are finite. The model application too will take time and employees will need specific training to take on this model.


Uploaded Date:17 November 2018

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