Business challenges faced by today’s marketers are markedly different from what was not that long back. Technology has changed the face of marketing in a very short span of time, democratizing the information flow. Customers have now emerged as the major vehicle to shape any company’s vision or ethos. Thus, the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), in collaboration with the Jun Group has established the Masters Circle, which is an established programme bringing America’s top marketers to discuss on upcoming opportunities and key challenges. Different marketing heads have voiced their opinions such as Tony Rogers of Walmart who tells us that the on-demand business is best served by providing convenience to customers. Sarah Personette of Facebook speaks on how a structure needs to be put in place before digital marketing may be executed. Raja Rajammannar of Mastercard believes in leveraging new technologies for marketing purposes, while the VP at Lego speaks on developing new marketing skills. The other contributors include the marketing heads of Uber, E-bay, Eastern Bank, Lane Bryant, American Greetings, Deloitte Digital, USAA, Lenovo, Hyatt Hotels, Belkin International, Schneider Electric and Cotton Incorporated.


Uploaded Date:13 December 2017

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