Collaboration and efficiency have increased in the modern workplace thanks to the integration with several new tech-based tools. Platforms now exist that can connect organizations with their customers, and use AI to decipher useful insights on their usage patterns. This humungous quantity of data can now be analyzed to reveal crucial business intelligence. A survey conducted by PwC revealed that two-thirds of consumers believe that human intelligence will be augmented by the use of AI, and not be replaced. This will enable people to focus on the more creative aspects of business. Chatbots for instance are increasingly being used to ease the mundane human tasks. Virgin Atlantic is an example, when the company made use of Facebook’s Workplace enabling better information sharing across all levels. The employee experience improves, and this has a direct bearing on the improved customer experience. There exist certain communications platforms driven by AI such as Rodio, Drift and Ava. Corporate communication improves as a result, since a central platform is provided for all the employees to share information.


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