At its peak, Pokémon Go had forty million daily active users. This is a number which far surpasses even other giants such as Tinder, Snapchat, Facebook or Twitter in terms of in-app engagement. While the craze has predictably died down, the entire episode provides some stirring lessons for the world of digital marketing. It worked best because here the lines between reality and digital got blurred. And this was possible due to the advent of Augmented Reality (AR), which has been around since the 1960s, but never quite as sophisticated as now. AR has long lived under the shadow of its better-known sibling Virtual Reality (VR), which has seen the launch of Sony’s PlayStation VR and the acquisition by Facebook of the Oculus Rift. AR though is now gaining more live followers, as evidenced through the huge popularity of Lego’s Digital Box. AR is also very useful in daily functions especially in retail as shown by furniture retailer IKEA and eyewear’s Warby Parker.


Uploaded Date:23 February 2018

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