It is well known that being able to focus is a key ingredient to attain final success. However, in today’s digitally connected times, loose focus tends to be an unfortunate periodic occurrence. On management training and executive coaching sessions, trainers often end up hearing that the subjects feel completely overwhelmed, workload is insane or mentally feel exhausted. To rectify this state, one can start off by increasing one’s self-awareness.One will then notice and need to answer several questions on oneself such as the reason for feeling the stress or anxiety, the feelings when focusing gets difficult, why this focus gets lost and specific times when it occurs. The American Psychological Association (APA) via a study conducted in 2017, suggested going for a Digital Detox as a solution. Here all digital devices would be shut down for a time period so that “constant checkers” could be at least temporarily eliminated from one’s life. The brain too needs adequate rest with up to seven or eight hours of sleep per night. Mindfulness training in particular will help. And instead of focusing too much on ourselves, inducing stress, diverting thoughts towards other’s bigger needs will be far more pertinent.


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