While most companies these days are talking of corporate training, few are walking the talk. Investment percentages in training has gone down, but more worrying is that this decline tends to take place during periods of otherwise economic boom. The percentage of people receiving employer funder training has gone done from 21 percent in 2001 to a mere 15 percent in 2009, when the last reliable data is available. Within such a vacuum, professionals are increasingly looking at MOOCs to supplement their learning. MOOCs is best available on platforms such as Coursera and EdX. Some companies such as GE, AT&T, L’Oréal, and Marks and Spencer have inculcated MOOCs into their formal training. Some such as Microsoft and McKinsey are curating their own online content. Yet majority of professionals received little assistance from their organizations while pursuing such courses. Only 5 percent receive financial help, 8 percent get study-time off and 4 percent have had this work included within evaluation of their performances. One reason firms are unwilling to support their employees is fear of losing them due to acquiring a greater skill set. However, if used correctly, MOOCs can prove to be a great asset in talent management of retention. The top management will have to step up efforts to support such learning and development. An environment needs to be created where professionals can seek evaluations from their peers and mentors. Professionals can start off with pilot courses on specific topics where they need help. Companies should see MOOCs not just for aiding in core jobs, but to develop broader competencies. Adopters of best practices, must in turn track MOOCs scores for performance reviews.


Uploaded Date:19 January 2018

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