When start-ups grow, a dilemma that inevitably occurs is with internal people who do not grow likewise. These same people made immense contributions to the growth in the first place, but themselves missed out on the transformation and thus holding back the organization beyond a point. And this is where the organization needs to take a string stance by letting go of people who are not a “cultural fit”. According to a study report submitted by the Jobvite, three-fifths of employers have confirmed that culture fit is the single biggest reason during talent recruitment. Three strategies have been established over time which can help employees develop accordingly and thus create a positive environment within. First of all, personality tests must be implemented so as to identify and further develop people with diverse abilities. Corporate training programmes must be geared up towards overall company goals. This will also help lessen the transition phase during employee exists. Company leaders need to get this straight that experience does not always equal progress or the right fit. So those people need to be promoted who have a constant zeal to learn new things and do not fall into a rut.


Uploaded Date: 27 October 2017

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