Stanford professor Kathryn Shaw has written a paper in the past on the importance of bosses. With a lot of management literature on this topic being based around anecdotal evidence, she decided to try out data-driven analysis to gauge this. Her analysis clearly revealed that a track record of bosses mattered in how they can impact the others. Three key ways have been found to help in talent management practices, as followed by the better bosses. First of all, the good ones bring in the employee in the overall vision of the company and where they fit in, so that they understand the purpose of their work. They devote specific time of theirs and arrange corporate training sessions so that employees may get coaching and guidance with a view to improving productivity. Crucially, they even help their team members achieve personal milestones. Google, once tried a system where bosses were fewer, with management levels being cut. It was realized that under this melee, it was the top management that had to fill in doing, a lot of routine chores. So, the best solution is to have impactful bosses who can motivate others around them on career goals.


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