One industry that has been truly transformed in the digital economy, is that of restaurants. Gastronomic experiences have changed in the way they are projected and marketed. One such trend is that seven percent of restaurant owners are now using technological tools on tables for customers to call for the waiter or ask for the bill.Research carried out by American Express, however posts a different picture, claiming that 75% of respondents prefer the traditional means of communications. Restaurateurs are also utilizing social media tools to the hilt to conduct digital marketing and promote their respective brands. Among these Facebook at 86% usage and Instagram at 46% are the most popular tools with the total figure at 72% for all platforms combined. Nearly half those, polled claim to have ordered for a pick-up or home delivery using mobile apps. This figure is highest among millennials at 62%, with a drop to baby-boomers at 28%. This overall digitization has proven to be a hit with 54% claiming a rise in revenue and 72% affirming that they are looking at something similar over the next twelve months.


Uploaded Date:15 November 2017

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