Digital-era change runs on People Power
Studies across the world have demonstrated how proper nurturing of employees leads to improvement in innovations being implemented and increase in productivity. Such adequate talent management however needs to be accompanied by some similar people-centric programmes to ensure proper change management. One of them is a catalytic leadership to motivate people and add purpose to their lives. The hierarchy must inculcate an agile process of working. Employee engagement must continue simultaneously. A different approach needs to be adopted to leverage the conditions prevalent in the digital era. These approaches have led to improvements in four specific trends which are purpose, speed, inclusiveness and a transformative behaviour. To do all this, companies must look beyond traditional linear thinking. Formal accelerators may be periodically used to impact speed. Meetings must be held with a purpose in mind. Technology must be leveraged to enhance the effectiveness of corporate communications. An overall digital-savvy culture needs to be promoted. And finally, existing social triggers must be utilized to effect positive behavioural change.
Uploaded Date:19 January 2018