A report compiled has listed certain digital marketing tactics that are still not being used by most organizations. Within the sub-category of Seacrh Engine Optimization (SEO), certain strategies are being missed such as Link Reclamation. This refers to reclaiming the original URL after switching domains. Firms aren’t optimizing pages enough for navigation purposes meaning Google cannot locate the page easily during keyword searches. At least if the title, description and heading tags can be optimized, then search algorithms find it easier to locate the page. In the content area, few marketers are reviewing the content during messaging. Also buyer personas must be created as it allows the marketing team to segregate the audience based on relevant trends, patterns, behaviours and demographics. Within the field of social media marketing, self profile optimization must be done so that the particular handle can be located easily on the web. Email is still an effective means of reaching the audience for marketing purposes. The social media pages must also be tagged for optimization purposes. The last broad category is conversion optimization. Within this companies must constantly track business analytics to measure the effectiveness of each marketing campaign. The practices to have yielded the best of results must be reviewed again to learn from them. Sometimes a sample group of visitors must be engaged so that real time feedback on systems can be assessed.



Project ECHO has been a landmark business innovation within the healthcare industry but now its principles are even being applied to other sectors. It arose when Dr. Sanjeev Arora who is considered as the top authority on Hepatitis C in the state of New Mexico, was unable to deal with the increasing number of cases. So he created this online video based portal to communicate and consult with other specialists worldwide dealing with patients having similar problems. Presently ECHO has ninety four academic or expert hubs across the US and sixteen other countries. Boston is the latest city to enlist the services of ECHO. Like Apple, ECHO now has its share of brand advocates who champion its work done.



The year 2017 will bring major technological challenges for marketers. The marketing technology landscape is changing faster than ever before, with number of companies, apps and offerings doubling every eighteen months. It is for CMOs to decide which suite to opt for. Vendor management will be another major challenge as not exist that can serve the entire suit, so organizations typically need to go for a few of them for different functions. With the quick fire changes and innovations, CMOs are feeling redundant so many will have to go back towards continuous education with something like an Executive MBA or rely excessively on vendors to sort out their lack of grasp. Traditionally organizations have paid heed to those earning the highest, but now data will be broken down to conduct business analytics which will primarily aid in decision making for CMOs. Such analytics will even break down the customer journey to be tracked at various stages in the decision making process. This mapping will be supported by email campaigns to attract customers at the right stage.



Global conglomerate Unilever has come up with a unique method of engaging with customers while at the same time spreading a social message. Through a series of short animations, Unilever is educating its customers on the benefits of brushing teeth and even encouraging families to engage in the function on collective basis. Viewers can register for the same using the Facebook Messenger service. This serves the dual purpose of conducting digital marketing for the organization as well good health values being informed to customers.



A research assignment has just been concluded which has identified five rules which must be adopted over the next year in order to effectively engage in digital marketing. Most importantly, instead of direct selling, it will be even more important to develop connections between the marketers and customers. Social media will emerge as one of the top tools to increase engagement with the audience. Most of these platforms such as Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram have moved on to including visuals as a key part of their overall pie. The 80-20 principle must be followed whereby marketers must understand that only a fifth of the target customers will actually study the content and another fifth of that segment will further make the final purchase. Constant business analysis must be made in order to understand the strengths and flaws in the marketing efforts. Granular data must be analyzed in order to best keep track of trends.



In this digital age, very few existing companies have the scale or the systems in place to cater to the unique needs of customers. Artificial intelligence is set to impact in a big way and it is understood that by the year 2020, there will be a total of fifty billion devices connected in the Internet-of-Things.Marketing research conducted by Salesforce has recently concluded that more than three-fifths of consumers claim that their buying behaviours are changing due to the advent of technology. Three gaps have been Very few are providing personalized experience. More than half those surveyed responded that they will be willing to switch brands if the marketers continue to bombard them with mass offers or discount content. Similarly, not many are using business analytics to derive predictive intelligence. So much of data exists that one can forecast business trends, yet very few are able to integrate the vast data to their marketing needs. Smartphones have added the sense of urgency to customers, but few organizations are catering towards such instantaneous demands. More millennials must be involved in marketing strategy formulation as they are more likely to possess the empathy needed to understand modern day customers.


A lot of organizations have belatedly realized that they had focused far too much on marketing when instead they could have gauged such vital business intelligence about the market simply by speaking to their own customers. Social media provides a platform for engaging with the audience in a meaningful way. Certain questions have been identified by an online publication which must be posed to customers. First of all, the marketers must realize where to find such customers and how best to reach out to them. Next up, feedback must be taken on their satisfaction levels regarding new product onboarding. Their native language must be understood so that meaningful phrases can be eked out of conversations. The ‘Whys’ must be posed such as reasons for selecting the brand, for not choosing another or why some friend was referred to. Their wants and needs must be chronicled. Their reasons for quitting on the brand must also be understood. The customers must be involved in some processes through feedback or even design. A very good medium for digital marketing is content and if this can be shared by the existing customer base, brand awareness will spread far productively.



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