Consumers of digital media today find themselves in an enviable position where they can dictate terms with several brands. Industries such as media, telecommunications and technology are shifting rapidly. The role of digital marketing has expanded due to the proliferation of social media platforms, mobile devices and wireless connectivity. That is why the twelfth edition of the Digital Media Trends survey has been conducted, bringing forth several interesting conclusions. First such insight is that the demand for streaming video is insatiable and expanding at exponential rate. Conversely, this has led to consumers revaluating their Pay TV subscriptions vis-à-vis the value they are getting. A new age-class has emerged known as the MilleXZials. It is a play on three generations-X, Z and millennials. Contrary to popular perception it is not just younger people, but this entire gamut of generations who are driving businesses and markets. A matter of concern but also an opportunity for many is the enormous amount of data warehousing ongoing right now, especially personal data. Although many are taking steps to protect such data, it is only the truly proactive agencies that will work out a proper solution.


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