Business research has been conducted to gauge steps which can lead to increased creativity in marketing. Risk takers ought to be rewarded. Meetings must allow the entry level managers to develop their ideas as well. Tangible investments must be initiated to those who seek positive change within the firm. Cross-vertical communications must be encouraged within the structure. The inquisitive learners must constantly be promoted. Decisions related to staff restructuring must be done promptly. The art of talent management requires the boss to be aware of his / her team and to put aside one’s own perceived lack of creativity to get the best out of others. Original thinkers must be put in one team to cross-fertilize on each one’s ideas.

Marketing research conducted throws some light on the usage patterns on push notifications as a means of customer engagement. A number of mobile apps are losing out due to excessive, generic messaging while those with tailored content are doing better. Tourism is doing best while health and fitness are performing on other end of the scale. Here Android is doing way better than the iOS platform. Also it has been found out that apps post downloading are not always retained and to do so push messaging is vital ingredient. 

Business researchconducted on the tourism industry has put forward some trends that have emerged globally. There is increased integration with technology with the emergence of facilities such as keyless entries using smart phones or airlines communicating directly with travelers. The smart phone is set to be used for increased operations including e-commerce. A number of applications are now being aligned to be part of the single offering to customers. Thus travel, stay, sight-seeing and eating out are being covered under single umbrella. Tourism will develop more niche destinations and travel modes as conventional travel evolves. The future is full of uncertainty yet activity based tourism is set to grow. More than thirty five million travel jobs are expected to exist in India by end of this year.

There is much that business leaders can learn from successful bloggers. The latter build their brands with sophistication and character. There is also a requirement for incorporating the transparent feedback mechanism. Bloggers promote themselves, yet they do it with integrity. They generatedigital marketingby leveraging relations within the blogger community. Also bloggers have been known to have long term plans and not just short fixes. This is something business leaders must incorporate as part of theircorporate strategy.

Tourist inflows to Japan have increased steadily to accommodate more than thirteen million of them from abroad in 2014. Business research and forecasts put the figure at twenty million in time for Tokyo’s Olympics five years from now. There is however a serious requirement of increasing travel jobs in the country. Communication skills remain an issue while there need to be more kiosks for dealing with credit card payments. Improved relations with neighbours- China, Taiwan and South Korea- has led to increased inbound tourism from those countries. There is a need to divert tourist concentration away from the Tokyo-Osaka-Kyoto triangle towards other areas such as national parks, historical sites, wellness tourism and gourmet destinations. 

In a world where news is increasingly being first distributed among people using social media, rather than traditional channels, Google has come up with News Lab to connect with journalists and spiral information to users. Google has also come up with news flashes on YouTube to help journalists. This is their latest method atdigital marketingas ground seemed to be lost to social media outlets like Twitter or Facebook but not its own Plus. This will also help Google sieve through large quantity of data enabling business analysis.


In a world where news is increasingly being first distributed among people using social media, rather than traditional channels, Google has come up with News Lab to connect with journalists and spiral information to users. Google has also come up with news flashes on YouTube to help journalists. This is their latest method atdigital marketingas ground seemed to be lost to social media outlets like Twitter or Facebook but not its own Plus. This will also help Google sieve through large quantity of data enabling business analysis. 

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