A report by the World Economic Forum (WEF) plays on the negativity that is following the large-scale introduction of robots and Artificial Intelligence aided tools into various workplaces. While it is true, that there are fears of jobs losses, the WEF says that robots must instead work together with human beings, with each building on the others’ strengths. Even a partner at McKinsey states that the interaction between humans and robots will be of great interest over the next fifteen odd years. To start off, collaborative robots known as ‘cobots’ have been deployed on factory flows. While robots do not tire off or get sick, they are not very adept at improvising as humans do. Instead reskilling corporate training programmes need to be imparted to existing employees, so that people can be taken off repetitive or dangerous tasks and instead focus on creative stuff. Marketing research firm Gartner states that AI backed tools will generate nearly three trillion dollars’ worth of economic growth over the coming years. This is further corroborated by PwC which feels likewise in impact terms. The top ten most in-demand skills are also set to change in 2020 as opposed to those of 2015.


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