Human beings are a neotenic species, which makes them compelled to keep learning at every stage of life. This behaviour reflects at the workplace as well where beyond the work profile itself, the most important factor determining employee satisfaction, is the learning opportunities provided. To ensure that one keeps learning, employees need to be able to learn within the flow of work. Knowledge workers should especially be benefited by this as they spend a substantial amount of time in front of computers, gleaning through vast treasure troves of data. Google and YouTube are two such platforms that enable us to learn with the flow of work. Bottom- up learning can best be done through formal corporate training sessions organized for improving mindfulness and metacognition. A to- learn list needs to be maintained by the employees. Tech- enabled tips need to be utilized at work. A dedicated learning timeline needs to be incorporated within one’s calendar. A few hyper- relevant newsletters need to be subscribed to as they will provide pinpointed business intelligence. The best way to further expand one’s knowledge is to actively disseminate whatever one knows already. Top- down learning needs to be encouraged from the leadership, by liberally sharing content internally. A localized chat interface needs to be put in place. A channel within the internal communications software, needs to be dedicated towards learning.


Uploaded Date:11 May 2019

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