It ahs repeatedly been observed that in human consumption patterns, rituals play a big part. That is why marketers use them to the hilt when making connections with brands. Tea in essence is just a beverage, but it is associated as a social occasion, as leveraged by Brooke Bond in India. Similarly, there are many beer brands, but Corona and Magners have added layers of rituals to differentiate their respective brands. Similar packaging to leverage emotions has also been done by the likes of Oreo, Apple and Rolo. In order to ensure a ritual serves the purpose it is essential to leverage an existing consumer behavior rather than trying to create something new. It must be relevant and add brownie points to the consumer in some way or the other, such as making one look more knowledgeable or enhancing social worth besides of course improved taste. It must be enjoyable and easy to execute. In the present context, it is very important to make it shareable so that the brand enjoys organic digital marketing through sharing on social media outlets. The entire user experience needs to be rethought to position the brand accordingly.


Uploaded Date:06 February 2018

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