The Secrets of Staying Power
The corporate logos of Apple, Nike or Vans are instantly recognizable across generations and cultures. This is because these brands have reached iconic status. Soon Yu, who is an innovation consultant and focuses on design thinking capabilities of top customer-facing brands such as Wrangler, North Face and Timberland has come up with research on what establishes some brands to be truly iconic. The first aspect is uniqueness. To cite an example, Nike’s Air Max concept ensured the cushion loss over lifetime of shoes reduced substantially. The other requirement is the staying power which some brands such as Google have nurtured. A lot of brands have made the opposite mistake of trying too many things, or even tampering with what made them special in the first place. Rivals such as Reebok’s Pump have not been able to replicate Air Max as a result of the constant innovation in Nike’s core product. Loyal customers need to be leveraged and converted in to company spokespersons. This is because a few loyal ones are better than many more simply knowing the brand but not purchasing. The former can be used for the digital marketing efforts as they can be turned into social media influencers.
Uploaded Date:07 June 2018