Anyone who wants to develop and then execute the best of corporate strategy, needs to have a broader outlook than others. This holistic approach needs to be via the use of four different lenses. These are in effect, four different viewpoints. The first of them is the financial lens. Fir this, proper benchmarking is required, so returns may be mapped against set standards. Next up, is the marketing lens. The different markets may be assessed as per this, to study where profitability or growth could be the highest. Trends and disruptions too need to be put within this lens. Digital marketing can be one way of fending off such upstarts. The existing value chains need also be scanned for adjacent markets. The operating- model lens, which is the third one, is a lot about resource allocation, funding sources, performance management and scouting for talent. All these three lenses combine to bring in the fourth, which is the competitive- advantage lens. The ownership advantages and market positions are analyzed against a portfolio of options.


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